Simple CRUD app with persistent data and partial rendering. Every rust crate starts with the toml manifest:


name = "todo"
edition = "2021"

prest = { version = "0.5", path = "../../" }

It contains core metadata of the package that cargo needs to build it properly. With this tiny config we can move on to writing rust. As of now prest is designed to be imported in bulk:


use prest::*;

This might not be the idiomatic rust way, but it's more beginner friendly in my view. Then we define the Todo struct and deriving some traits that we'll use later:


#[derive(Storage, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Todo {
    #[serde(default = "Uuid::now_v7")]
    pub id: Uuid,
    pub task: String,
    pub done: bool,

Here we have serialization traits and defaults to be able to deserialize a todo value from just the task field. Also, there is a Storage derive macro that implements a trait with the same name and a couple of helper methods which will allow us to easily work with a gluesql Todos(struct name + s) table.

Then there is a manual implementation of the Render trait which will allow us to use todo values directly in the markup:


impl Render for Todo {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            $"flex justify-between items-center" swap-this vals=(json!(self)) {
                input type="checkbox" patch="/" checked[self.done] {}
                label $"ml-4 text-lg" {(self.task)}
                button $"ml-auto" delete="/" {"Delete"}

Since this is a quite unusal templating solution and used together with HTMX and built-in Tailwind classes let's go through it a bit:

  1. if the tag is not specified, like the parent tag of a todo, then it's rendered as a div
  2. $"..." works somewhat like class html attribute in tailwind but html! macro converts them into embedded css
  3. swap-this (alias for hx-target="this") configures htmx to swap this element and to swap it whole
  4. vals=(json!(self)) (alias for hx-vals) adds json-serialized todo fields which htmx will form-encode and send with requests
  5. patch="/" (alias for hx-patch) sets this element to send PATCH method requests to / when triggered
  6. delete="/" (alias for hx-delete) sets this element to send DELETE method requests to / when triggered
  7. checked[self.done] adds checked attribute if self.done is true

Then goes the function that renders the whole page based on provided content:


async fn into_page(content: Markup) -> Markup {
    html! {(DOCTYPE) html {(Head::with_title("Todo app"))
        body $"max-w-screen-sm px-8 mx-auto mt-12 flex flex-col items-center" {
            form put="/" into-end-of="#list" after-request="this.reset()" {
                input $"border rounded-md" type="text" name="task" {}
                button $"ml-4" type="submit" {"Add"}
            div #list $"w-full" {(content)}

It includes a couple of utility structs Head and Scripts which render into the head and a bunch of script tags respectfully. They are not essential but provide a shorthand for meaningful defaults. Other things there are common html, htmx attributes that I've mentioned above and a after-request="this.reset()" (alias for hx-on--after-request) attribute that just invokes a little js snippet after an htmx request that clears out the form.

Alright, now we have all the components for our service so let's move on to the main function where it all will come together:


async fn main() -> Result {
        get(|| async { ok(Todo::get_all().await?.render()) })
            .put(|todo: Vals<Todo>| async move { ok( })
            .delete(|todo: Vals<Todo>| async move { ok(todo.remove().await?) })
            .patch(|Vals(mut todo): Vals<Todo>| async move {

The attribute macro init will setup basic prest configs and make sure there is a table in the database prepared for our todos.

Then goes the definition of the router from just a single route / but with closure-based handlers for 4 methods: get, put, patch and delete.

Then goes the wrap_non_htmx middleware that wraps response bodies with the provided function for requests that weren't initiated by htmx. As the result if you'll go the / in browser it will initiate a usual GET request that will render the todos and wrap them into the page markup. However, when either the form that submit's new todos, todo checkbox or the delete button will trigger an htmx request the responses won't be wrapped and would be swapped straight into the opened page.

Finally comes the .run() utility method provided by prest that: attempts to read variables from .env in this or parent folders, starts tracing, adds middleware to catch panics, livereload in debug or compression and request body limits in release configs, checks the PORT env variable or defaults to 80, initializes the database and finally starts the multi-threaded concurrent web server which will process the requests.

Hurray, now the app is running and you can play around with it. It's already a dynamic full-stack app which can handle a bunch of use cases, but one of the core premises of prest is to provide installable native-like UX so that's what we'll add in the next example.

The full code of the current example for copy-pasting and reading convenience:


use prest::*;

#[derive(Storage, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Todo {
    #[serde(default = "Uuid::now_v7")]
    pub id: Uuid,
    pub task: String,
    pub done: bool,

impl Render for Todo {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            $"flex justify-between items-center" swap-this vals=(json!(self)) {
                input type="checkbox" patch="/" checked[self.done] {}
                label $"ml-4 text-lg" {(self.task)}
                button $"ml-auto" delete="/" {"Delete"}

async fn into_page(content: Markup) -> Markup {
    html! {(DOCTYPE) html {(Head::with_title("Todo app"))
        body $"max-w-screen-sm px-8 mx-auto mt-12 flex flex-col items-center" {
            form put="/" into-end-of="#list" after-request="this.reset()" {
                input $"border rounded-md" type="text" name="task" {}
                button $"ml-4" type="submit" {"Add"}
            div #list $"w-full" {(content)}

async fn main() -> Result {
        get(|| async { ok(Todo::get_all().await?.render()) })
            .put(|todo: Vals<Todo>| async move { ok( })
            .delete(|todo: Vals<Todo>| async move { ok(todo.remove().await?) })
            .patch(|Vals(mut todo): Vals<Todo>| async move {
made by Egor Dezhic