Minimalistic todo app with storage based on PostgreSQL DB with Diesel ORM - probably the first mature rust orm, currently used in and many other projects.
It has a number of advantages - stability, feature-completeness, plenty of configs and utility crates, and easy to use once you've set it up. High-performance and low-risk choice for lots of projects. However, the initial setup might be tricky because diesel crates link to host-provided db client libraries.
This example is using diesel-async because the rest of the server is async, and it's intended to showcase basic apis with a UI similar to other DB examples to easily compare their usage. To get started with this one you'll need:
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
- install diesel CLI that you'll need for common diesel-related opsdocker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
- start a postgres instance in a docker containercd examples/databases/postgres-diesel && diesel setup --migration-dir="./migrations/"
- setup database & migrationscargo run -p postgres-diesel
- to start the example
It's powered by a few additional dependencies in the manifest:
name = "postgres-diesel"
edition = "2021"
name = "serve"
path = "./"
prest = "0.5"
diesel = { version = "2.1.0", features = ["uuid"] }
diesel-async = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["deadpool", "postgres"] }
A separate manifest for the diesel configuration:
# For documentation on how to configure this file,
# see
file = "./"
custom_type_derives = ["diesel::query_builder::QueryId"]
dir = "./migrations"
A model that defines the auto-generated schema:
use diesel::{pg::Pg, prelude::*};
use prest::{Deserialize, Serialize, Uuid};
#[derive(Queryable, Selectable, Insertable, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::todos)]
pub struct Todo {
#[serde(default = "Uuid::now_v7")]
pub uuid: Uuid,
pub task: String,
pub done: bool,
And a prest app that uses all of the above to manage todos:
pub mod models;
pub mod schema;
use prest::*;
use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel_async::{
pooled_connection::{deadpool::Pool, AsyncDieselConnectionManager},
AsyncPgConnection, RunQueryDsl,
use models::Todo;
use schema::todos::dsl::*;
state!(DB_POOL: Pool<AsyncPgConnection> = {
let database_url = "postgres://postgres:password@localhost/prest";
let config = AsyncDieselConnectionManager::<AsyncPgConnection>::new(database_url);
async fn main() -> Result {
get(|| async { get_todos().await.render() })
async fn get_todos() -> Vec<Todo> {
let mut con = DB_POOL.get().await.unwrap();
.load(&mut con)
.expect("successful select query")
async fn toggle_todo(Vals(todo): Vals<Todo>) -> Markup {
let mut con = DB_POOL.get().await.unwrap();
.get_result(&mut con)
.expect("successful update query")
async fn add_todo(Vals(todo): Vals<Todo>) -> Markup {
let mut con = DB_POOL.get().await.unwrap();
.get_result(&mut con)
.expect("successful insert query")
async fn delete_todo(Vals(todo): Vals<Todo>) {
let mut con = DB_POOL.get().await.unwrap();
.execute(&mut con)
.expect("successful delete query");
impl Render for Todo {
fn render(&self) -> Markup {
html! {
$"flex items-center" swap-this vals=(json!(self)) {
input type="checkbox" patch="/" checked[self.done] {}
label $"ml-4 text-lg" {(self.task)}
button $"ml-auto" detele="/" {"Delete"}
async fn page(content: Markup) -> Markup {
html! { html { (Head::with_title("With Diesel Postgres"))
body $"max-w-screen-sm mx-auto mt-12" {
form $"flex gap-4 justify-center" put="/" into-end-of="#list" after-request="this.reset()" {
input $"border rounded-md" type="text" name="task" {}
button type="submit" {"Add"}
div #list $"w-full" {(content)}