Minimalistic todo app powered by the redis client. Created just to showcase how to connect to a redis instance from rust and use that connection in handlers. But overall redis is not designed for this type of apps at all. To get it started locally you can use the official redis docker image: docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:latest


name = "redis-driver"
edition = "2021"

prest = "0.5"
redis = "0.23.3"


use prest::*;
use redis::{Client, Commands};
use std::collections::HashMap;

state!(CLIENT: Client = { Client::open("redis://")? });

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Todo {
    pub task: String,
    pub done: bool,

pub struct TodoForm {
    pub uuid: String,
    pub task: String,
    pub done: bool,

async fn main() -> Result {
        get(|| async {
            let todos = get_todos();
            html!(@for todo in todos {(render_item(todo.0, todo.1))})
        .put(|Vals(TodoForm { task, .. }): Vals<TodoForm>| async move {
            |Vals(TodoForm { uuid, done, .. }): Vals<TodoForm>| async move {
                toggle_todo(uuid, done);
        .delete(|Vals(TodoForm { uuid, .. }): Vals<TodoForm>| async move {

fn get_todos() -> Vec<(String, Todo)> {
    let mut con = CLIENT.get_connection().unwrap();
    let map: HashMap<String, String> = con.hgetall("todos").unwrap();
        .map(|(uuid, todo)| {
            let todo = from_json_str::<Todo>(&todo).unwrap();
            (uuid, todo)

fn add_todo(task: String) {
    let mut con = CLIENT.get_connection().unwrap();
    let uuid = Uuid::now_v7().to_string();
        to_json_string(&Todo { task, done: false }).unwrap(),

fn toggle_todo(uuid: String, done: bool) {
    let mut con = CLIENT.get_connection().unwrap();
    let todo: String = con.hget("todos", &uuid).unwrap();
    let mut todo: Todo = from_json_str(&todo).unwrap();
    todo.done = !done;
    con.hset("todos", uuid, to_json_string(&todo).unwrap())

fn delete_todo(uuid: String) {
    let mut con = CLIENT.get_connection().unwrap();
    con.hdel("todos", uuid).unwrap()

fn render_item(uuid: String, todo: Todo) -> Markup {
    let id = format!("uuid-{}", uuid);
        div style="height: 64px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;" {
            form #(id) patch="/"  style="margin-bottom: 0px;" {
                input type="hidden" name="uuid" value={(uuid)} {}
                input type="hidden" name="done" value={(todo.done)} {}
                label {
                    input .(id) type="checkbox" onchange="this.form.submit()" checked[todo.done] {}
            form detele="/" style="margin-bottom: 0px;" {
                input type="hidden" name="uuid" value={(uuid)} {}
                input type="submit" value="Delete" style="margin-bottom: 0px;" {}

async fn page(content: Markup) -> Markup {
    html! { html { (Head::with_title("With Redis"))
        body $"container" target="div" style="margin-top: 16px;" {
            form put="/" after-request="this.reset()" {
                label for="task" {"Task description:"}
                input type="text" name="task" {}
                button type="submit" {"Add"}
            $"w-full" {(content)}
made by Egor Dezhic