Built from repo's markdown files as a proof-of-concept for prest and maintained to prettify documentation. Served at prest.blog. Here goes all it's source code:


name = "blog"
edition = "2021"

prest = { version = "0.5.1", path = "../../" }
wasm-bindgen = "0.2"
markdown = "1.0.0-alpha.16"
toml = "0.8.8"

prest-build = { version = "0.4", path = "../../build", features = ["typescript", "sass"] }

domain = "prest.blog"


use prest_build::*;
fn main() {


use prest::*;


#[derive(Debug, Storage, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Todo {
    pub id: Uuid,
    pub custom: Inner,
    pub done: bool,

#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
struct Inner {
    a: String,
    b: NaiveDateTime,

async fn main() -> Result {
    // example table with data to showcase in the admin panel
    Todo {
        id: Uuid::now_v7(),
        custom: Inner {
            a: "v5 release".to_owned(),
            b: Default::default(),
        done: false,



use content::WHATS_NEXT;
use prest::*;

mod content;
pub use content::{ExampleCategory::*, EXAMPLES, INTERNALS, PREST_VERSION, README, RUST};

pub fn routes() -> Router {
    // pre-init content
    let _ = *EXAMPLES;
    let _ = *INTERNALS;
    let _ = *README;
    let _ = *RUST;
    let _ = *PREST_VERSION;
    let _ = *WHATS_NEXT;

    let mut router = route("/", get(README.clone()))
        .route("/internals", get(INTERNALS.clone()))
        .route("/whats-next", get(WHATS_NEXT.clone()))
        .route("/rust", get(RUST.clone()));
    for readme in EXAMPLES.iter() {
        router = router.route(&readme.url, get(readme.content.as_str()));

async fn page(content: Markup) -> Markup {
    let dbs = EXAMPLES.iter().filter(|r| r.category == Database);
    let todos = EXAMPLES.iter().filter(|r| r.category == Todo);
    let others = EXAMPLES.iter().filter(|r| r.category == Other);

    html!((DOCTYPE) html $"bg-stone-800 font-sans text-[#bbc4d4]" _="on click remove .open from #menu" {
        (Head::with_title("Prest Blog"))

        body $"max-w-screen-md lg:max-w-screen-lg md:mx-auto" boost="true" swap="innerHTML show:window:top" target="main" {
            nav $"bg-stone-900 top-4 mb-4 p-5 shadow-lg rounded-full grid grid-cols-3 items-center sticky z-10" {
                $"flex gap-6" {
                    a $"hover:text-white" href="https://github.com/edezhic/prest" {(include_html!("icons/github.svg"))}
                    a $"hover:text-white" href="https://docs.rs/prest" {(include_html!("icons/docs.svg"))}

                a $"font-mono font-bold text-center hover:text-white" href="/" {"PREST"}

                $"flex justify-end" {
                    a $"hover:text-white mr-2 lg:mr-6" href="/admin" boost="false" {(include_html!("icons/admin.svg"))}

                    @if is_pwa() {
                        div $"mr-2 lg:mr-6 font-bold text-sm" get="/sw/health" swap="none transition:false" trigger="load delay:3s"
                        _="on htmx:afterRequest
                            if event.detail.successful set my.style.color to '#059669'
                            else set my.style.color to '#991b1b' 
                            halt the event"

                    $"hover:text-white" _="on click add .open to #menu halt" {
                        svg $"h-5 w-5 scale-[-1,1]" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" {
                            path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M4 6h16M4 12h16M4 18h7" {}

                    div #menu $"absolute bg-stone-950 z-20 top-8 px-4 truncate shadow-xl rounded-xl w-52" {
                        style {"
                            #menu { max-height: 0px } #menu.open { max-height: 1000px } 
                            #menu a { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 0.25rem 0 0.25rem 0.5rem; border-radius: 1rem; }
                            #menu a:hover { background-color: #292524 }
                        $"py-4 flex flex-col gap-2 text-xs" {
                            a href="/whats-next" {"whats next"}
                            a href="/rust" {"about rust"}
                            a href="/internals" {"internals"}
                            a href="/about" {"about blog"}
                            $"font-bold text-sm pt-2" {"tutorials"}
                            @for r in todos { a href={(r.url)} {(r.label)}}
                            $"font-bold text-sm pt-2" {"databases"}
                            @for r in dbs { a href={(r.url)} {(r.label)}}
                            $"font-bold text-sm pt-2" {"others"}
                            @for r in others { a href={(r.url)} {(r.label)}}

            style {r#"
                main a { text-decoration: underline } 
                main h3 { font-size: 2em } 
                main ul, main ol { list-style: circle }
                main h4 {
                    font-size: 2rem;
                    font-weight: 100;
                    padding-top: 1rem;
                code { font-size: 13px !important }

            main history-elt _="on load or htmx:afterSwap call format_content()"
                $"opacity-80 mx-auto p-4 gap-3 flex flex-col text-sm lg:text-base leading-loose"

            $"flex items-center justify-evenly p-4 w-full bg-stone-900 rounded-full mb-4 mx-auto text-xs lg:text-base" {
                $"font-mono" {"v"(*PREST_VERSION)}
                $"text-sm" {"made by Egor Dezhic"}
                $"flex gap-3"{
                    a href="https://twitter.com/eDezhic" {(include_html!("icons/twitter.svg"))}
                    a href="mailto:edezhic@gmail.com" {(include_html!("icons/email.svg"))}

                    def format_content()
                        call Prism.highlightAll()
                        for a in <a /> in <body />
                            if not (a.href contains 'prest.') and not (a.href contains 'localhost')
                                set @target of a to '_blank'

pub fn main() {


use prest::*;

state!(README: String = {
    let src = include_str!("../../../README.md");
    let homepage = src.trim_start_matches("# prest").trim_start();
state!(INTERNALS: String = {
    let md = include_str!("../../../docs/UNDER_THE_HOOD.md").to_owned();
    let processed = preprocess_md(md, "../../..", Some(include_str!("../../../Cargo.toml")));
state!(RUST: String = { md_to_html(include_str!("../../../docs/RUST.md")) });
state!(WHATS_NEXT: String = { md_to_html(include_str!("../../../docs/WHATS_NEXT.md")) });
state!(PREST_VERSION: String = {
    let manifest = include_str!("../../../Cargo.toml").parse::<toml::Table>().unwrap();

embed_as!(ExamplesDocs from "../" only "*.md" except "**/node_modules/*", "**/target/*");
embed_as!(ExamplesCode from "../" except "*.md", "**/node_modules/*", "**/target/*");

pub struct Example {
    pub path: String,
    pub url: String,
    pub label: String,
    pub content: String,
    pub category: ExampleCategory,

#[derive(PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub enum ExampleCategory {
pub use ExampleCategory::*;

state!(EXAMPLES: Vec<Example> = {
    let mut examples = vec![];
    for path in ExamplesDocs::iter() {
        let path = path.to_string();
        let url = if path.starts_with("blog") {
        } else {
            format!("/{}", path.trim_start_matches("databases/").trim_end_matches("/README.md"))
        let label = url.replace('/', "").replace('-', " ");
        let category = match path.split('/').next().unwrap() {
            "databases" => Database,
            s if s.contains("todo") => Todo,
            s if s == "blog" => Blog,
            _ => Other
        let doc = ExamplesDocs::get_content(&path).unwrap();
        let dir = path.trim_end_matches("/README.md");
        let processed = preprocess_md(doc, &dir, None);
        let content = md_to_html(&processed);
        examples.push(Example { path, url, label, content, category });

pub fn preprocess_md(doc: String, doc_dir: &str, code: Option<&str>) -> String {
    let mut processed = String::new();
    for line in doc.lines() {
        // replace references like {src/main.rs 50:71} with lines from the referenced files
        if line.starts_with("{") && line.ends_with("}") {
            let reference = line.replace(['{', '}'], "");
            let Some(relative_path) = reference.split(':').next() else {
                panic!("Reference {reference} from {doc_dir} has invalid syntax")
            let lang = source_language(&relative_path);
            let full_path = format!("{doc_dir}/{relative_path}");
            let code = match code {
                Some(code) => code.to_owned(),
                None => match ExamplesCode::get_content(&full_path) {
                    Some(code) => code,
                    None => panic!("Not found {full_path} mentioned in {doc_dir}"),
            let code = match reference.split(':').skip(1).next() {
                // select lines like :25 or :50-71
                Some(lines_refs) => {
                    let mut refs = lines_refs.split('-');
                    let start = refs.next().unwrap().parse::<usize>().unwrap();
                    let end = if let Some(end) = refs.next() {
                    } else {
                    let mut snippet = if start > 1 {
                    } else {
                    snippet += &code.lines().skip(start - 1).take(end - start + 1).fold(
                        |mut code, line| {
                            code += line;
                            code + "\n"
                    if code.lines().count() > end {
                        snippet += "...\n";
                None => code,
            processed += &format!("`{reference}`\n");
            processed += &format!("\n```{lang}\n{}\n```\n", code.trim_end());
        } else {
            processed += &format!("{line}\n");

use markdown::{to_html_with_options, Options};
pub fn md_to_html(md: &str) -> String {
    let md = md.replace("https://prest.blog", "http://localhost");
    to_html_with_options(&md, &Options::gfm()).unwrap()

fn source_language(filename: &str) -> &str {
    match filename {
        f if f.ends_with(".rs") => "rust",
        f if f.ends_with(".toml") => "toml",
        f if f.ends_with(".css") => "css",
        f if f.ends_with(".scss") => "scss",
        f if f.ends_with(".html") => "html",
        f if f.ends_with(".sql") => "sql",
        f if f.ends_with(".ts") => "typescript",
        _ => "",
made by Egor Dezhic