Showcasing probably the easiest library that allows using local sqlite instance with just a couple of lines of code - turbosql. Ideaologically similar to the GlueSQL integration and the Storage macro of prest. All you need to get started is to derive Turbosql on the struct that you want to use as a table and make sure that the struct's types are compatible (all columns are optional, first goes the rowid with i64 and then others):


name = "sqlite-turbosql"
edition = "2021"

prest = "0.5"
turbosql = "0.9"


use prest::*;
use turbosql::{execute, select, Turbosql};

#[derive(Default, Turbosql, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Todo {
    pub rowid: Option<i64>,
    pub task: Option<String>,
    pub done: Option<bool>,

async fn main() -> Result {
        get(|| async { select!(Vec<Todo>).unwrap().render() })
            .put(|Vals(mut todo): Vals<Todo>| async move {
                todo.done = Some(false);
            .patch(|Vals(mut todo): Vals<Todo>| async move {
                todo.done = Some(!todo.done.unwrap());
            .delete(|Vals(Todo { rowid, .. }): Vals<Todo>| async move {
                execute!("DELETE FROM todo WHERE rowid = " rowid.unwrap()).unwrap();

impl Render for Todo {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        let rowid = self.rowid.clone().unwrap();
        let task = self.task.clone().unwrap();
        let done = self.done.clone().unwrap();
        html! {
            $"flex items-center" swap-this vals=(json!({ "rowid": rowid, "task": task, "done": done})) {
                input type="checkbox" patch="/" checked[done] {}
                label $"ml-4 text-lg" {(task)}
                button $"ml-auto" detele="/" {"Delete"}

async fn page(content: Markup) -> Markup {
    html! { html { (Head::with_title("With Turbosql SQLite"))
        body $"max-w-screen-sm mx-auto mt-12" {
            form $"flex gap-4 justify-center" put="/" into-end-of="#list" after-request="this.reset()" {
                input $"border rounded-md" type="text" name="task" {}
                button type="submit" {"Add"}
            div #list $"w-full" {(content)}
made by Egor Dezhic